Pets are like family members to many of us. They love us, make us laugh, and brighten our lives. In return, we want to do everything possible to keep them happy and healthy. You may have heard of dogs living longer than their human counterparts due to the amount of exercise they get each week. And it's true. Regular exercise is important for both you and your pet, but what does that exactly mean? When it comes to your pet's diet and exercise, how much physical activity should they do? Let's look at some tips to get started on this important topic:



Exercise is important for your pet's health

Exercise helps keep your pet healthy and fit, as well as active and alert. It also helps maintain a healthy weight so they can live longer. Your veterinarian can indicate how much exercise is suitable for the age, breed, and size of your dog or cat.



When it comes to pet food

It's not the same as food for humans. Pet foods are designed to meet their nutritional needs. They are also intended to be safe for them, which means they don't contain preservatives, artificial flavors, or colors. Pet foods are meant to keep them healthy, happy, and active. It's important that your pet's diet is supervised by their primary veterinarian, who will be familiar with any health conditions they may have, as well as the amount of physical activity they engage in.



Overweight pets are at risk of developing various health problems

Such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint issues. There is no one-size-fits-all recommendation for physical exercise as different breeds have different energy requirements, and their exercise needs change throughout life (for example, puppies need more exercise than adult dogs). However, it's important to remember that overweight pets are more prone to developing these health problems than leaner ones, so they should be encouraged to engage in some form of moderate physical activity every day.



After exercise

Offer your pet fresh water or low-sodium canned food. Water is the best option for hydration, but if you want to provide your dog with an extra boost of nutrients and calories, canned food is also an option. If you choose canned food as a post-workout snack, make sure it is low in sodium and rich in protein, without any sauce. Fresh filtered water is always better than bottled or tap water, as it contains fewer impurities and chemicals that could upset your pet's stomach after exercise. If possible, invest in a water fountain for your dog; these devices keep their bowls filled so they don't need constant refills from humans who may not have time on their hands during busy work/family life balance days.


In summary, both exercise and diet are important for your pet's health. And if you also want to get active, we have plenty of ideas on how to do it! You can start by adding more activity to your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk around the block instead of driving.



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