From chewy jerky pieces to puffy single-ingredient beef & lamb lungs, tempt your pet with our lineup of high-quality treats for dogs & cats, crafted from ethically-sourced proteins & real food inclusions—perfect for training help & enrichment. These sweet & savory jerky treats are crafted with thoughtfully-sourced proteins and wholesome Primal Bone Broth for a chewy, irresistible treat. Give Pieces a Chance are small jerky pieces with the same thoughtfully-crafted recipe as FriendChips Matter in a smaller size, perfect for training! These sweet & savory jerky pieces are crafted with thoughtfully-sourced chicken, organic sweet potato, and wholesome Primal Bone Broth for a chewy, irresistible treat your pup can enjoy over & over again.
- Chewy texture
- High-protein snack
- Free from corn, wheat, soy, grains, gluten, and artificial preservatives, flavors, & additives